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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

5 days in the African Sun

Today Carter caught his first lizard. He was so proud! He had to bring it into the house to show me. He has been trying to catch them since we landed in Accra last Wednesday. I am sure this is just beginning of all the lizards and frogs I will encounter. Frogs you say? Yes, Carter and Regan were catching frogs in the pool just a few days ago. The mama frog was actually quite large, but Carter caught him easily. There were baby ones in the pool also, a little harder to catch I think.

Day 2 of school for my little ones. They are amazed at how difficult the work is and how much homework they have already. They are not really understanding that the school year is 1/2 over here so they are knee deep in studies. It is good for them though, jump in head first.

For me, everyone is very welcoming. I had visitors within an hour of being here, sitting on the couch amidst my mess, drinking wine and chatting. As of right now the harderst adjustment is the time change, wanting to visit with people during the day back home, but knowing they are all still off in dreamland.

So welcome to our new normal. It will be full of up and downs, insecurities and thrilling times. Enjoy the ride with us.


  1. Love the site and enjoy living vicariously through you. Enjoy and sweet dreams. What is the time difference actually?

  2. I love it! I can't wait to follow along with your adventures. I am near madness waiting for my own to begin. I sure wish I could just hit pause for a moment. But on we go!

  3. glad you started a blog about this - love the lizard :)

  4. Love that you are blogging about your new life experience. Wishing you well...can't wait to read more :) Take care.

  5. Carter needs to send Aunt Lisa one of those would go great with the one we have! Miss you so much!
