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Saturday, October 2, 2010

What was I thinking?

So you know how things always sound good in theory and you say yes to something. Then later, after the reality sinks in of what you actually said yes to, you start to wonder "What the hell?" That is where I was last night. No, I am not moving back from Africa. But that has crossed my mind many times! This time I was saying "what the hell have I done" because I had told some ladies last evening, as they were making delicious Mango Margarita's, that I would "love" (yes that was my exact word) to go on a 70 minute bike ride tomorrow. Monica assured me it wouldn't be fast, as this was the long endurance ride, not the short speed work ride. So I figure, I have been to spin class a few times, 50 minutes a class. 70 minutes is not much more than that. So great, we are to meet at 7:00 at the gate. That gives us time for the ride, home and off to teach yoga. The evening progresses, 2 very large Mango Margarita's later I walk my bike back home and proceed to ask the question. What have I done? 6:00 Saturday morning rolls around and I am still second guessing my decision, but there is no backing down. So I fuel my body (oatmeal with protein powder) and hold off on the coffee (no place to stop to pee). I get myself ready to go and head to the gate. Monica, Jo, Kim and I head off, and I soon realized this was not a leisurely bike ride through the country side. Sure 70 minutes may not seem long, but we were biking 20 Kilometers. I brought up the rear most of the way. I had issues with my gears, my brakes squeak, and sweat was literally dripping into my eyes, altering my vision. No one complained about me slowing them down, they were being polite I think. The hills were killers, but I would hear my spin instructors voice in my head (give it all you've got! don't quit on me now!) and I would keep "spinning". In the end I survived. I am glad I went and lived to tell. I'm taking it one journey at a time.

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