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Friday, October 1, 2010

Italy 2010

This is our amazing trip to Italy.

We flew to Rome where we spent 2 fast paced days. Then took a train up to Florence. Spending 3 days there was not nearly enough. We took a day trip to Pisa, what is a trip to Italy without seeing the "Tipping Tower of Tortellini" as Carter called it. Then we took the train to Siena where we spent another 3 days. Finally back to Rome for one more day before flying back to Ghana.

The trip was filled with pizza, Regan ate it everyday! Gelati, the kids had it at least once a day. I, on the other hand, only had 2 the entire trip! We saw our fare share of nude males, making Bailey wonder why it was ok for a male to be nude, but not the female. Good questions!

For as much as we loved the trip it was actually nice to land back in Africa.

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