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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Making A Home

Our shipment arrived last Tuesday. The morning had started out with a huge thunderstorm. The skies opened up and dumped buckets and buckets of rain. More rain than I had seen since being here. I was a little apprehensive about the truck actually making it here. But like clockwork, it made it. It was so exciting. The kids bikes were the first things to come off and they were so thrilled! It took weeks and months of planning and packing and anticipating this move, and in the matter of an hour and a half, 5 men had our possessions unloaded and stacked around the house.

Regan started playing straight away. It was too exciting to wait. By the evening all the Little Ponies were lined up military style, waiting at her beckon call.

Carter was thrilled to see him MegaRigs again and soon took over my sun room.

Bailey was more set on getting her room back to her style.

I was lost in paper and boxes and emotions. Because even though it is thrilling to have our stuff and to make this house a home for a short while, it is all that more permanent. There is no turning back, no more thoughts of this as an extra long vacation. This is real, this is happening, this is scary.


  1. It's so funny how every little or big new change brings with it a slew of emotions. I am sure your kids are happy to have their stuff. I hope you guys have a great time in Italy!
