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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Driving to Tutuka

Sean decided to take up for a drive a few weeks ago. We headed out of the gate and in the jungle. We started heading for a village Tutuka (I hope I got it right) but never did see the village. We ended up driving around the Newmont tailings. The kids were starting to wonder and worry. "Are we lost?" "I have seen that tree before." "Oh look, there is that chicken again." There were times, when I thought there is nothing here, no one around, then we turn a corner and there are goats or chickens or even a bus. If your eyes looked carefully you would see the people in the jungle, behind the banana trees or among the corn. I feel that I will never be alone here, there are always people, even if you don't see them. Throughout the drive Regan kept saying she wanted to live in the jungle so she could be a jungle princess. I love seeing all this through the innocent eyes.

Here are some various photo's from the drive.

Here are few other things we saw...
A termite mound. They really are all over.

This is Mosquito Heaven! Malaria waiting to happen.

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